Thru an exact knowledge of the legal issues on this matter, import or export taxes can be maximized, as well as getting back paid taxes, or other benefits.


We cooperate with you to identify the regulations related to imports of capital goods, exports and imports from the production line, either new or used, turnkey installations, temporary importation and exportation of finished goods and production supplies, reimbursement of VAT when exporting, draw/back regimes, customs reimbursements, the use of national and international Free Trade Zones, aliquot reduction regime for good not produced in the MERCOSUR, amongst others.


A correct use of all these regimes can convert in a key point of an international transaction, therefore a perfect study of it becomes essential in Argentina as it is in the country of origin or precedence when importing or the destiny in case of exportation.

We evaluate the price policy of the transference and the customs value of goods.

The institution AFIP-DGA has as it duty to verify the correct determination of the tax base price on import and export products. The existence of contracts for canons or copyright licenses, the payment of royalties, are things to be taken into consideration and consensually analyzed, as they can carry adjustments in the value, the obligation of correct differences in tax presented, despite penalties that may correspond.


We offer to study the value of the merchandise in customs, included contracts and other elements that may condition such value. Therefore minimizing possible contingencies, verifying the fulfillment of the mechanisms and generating precedent documents which can eventually confront as a defense against auditor organisms.

In which way can we assist you

in the development of your international business?


We act as consultants over special Argentines Regimes and the rest of the world

If You start your activity in Foreign Trade, being Importation or Exportation, or if you belong to corporations that diversify their products in these activities, we will guide you with an analysis of the structures, those being of currency exchange, legal, customs or tax matters, that will be used to maximize efficiency in the commerce market.


If you are already operating, the analysis is used to detect hidden costs that, in the event they exist, they could be avoided, and therefore optimizing your current operation.




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